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In summary, the world's population will continue to grow as long as the birth rate exceeds the death rate; it's as simple as that. When it stops growing or starts to shrink, it will mean that either the birth rate has gone down or the death rate has gone up or a combination of the two. Basically, then, there are only two kinds of solutions to the population problem. One is a "birth rate solution", in which we find ways to lower the birth rate. The other is a "death rate solution", in which ways to raise the death rate - war, famine, pestilence - find us. The problem could have been avoided by population control, in which mankind consciously adjusted the birth rate so that a "death rate solution" did not have to occur.

Source: Dr Paul R. Ehrlich The Population Bomb (1968)[1]

Depopulation - the conspiracy theory

Conspiracy theories emerge when people try to make sense of something which is not understandable, and these often include the roles of a victim, and a villain or someone to blame. The villains are often 'the elite', globalists or one or more of the classic suspects: the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Illuminati etc.. When the Covid-19 pandemic spread it was easy to see that the victims were just ordinary people in various populations, but as the disease was claimed to have emerged naturally there were no villains to blame, just bats and maybe an innocent intermediate host. However, the SARS-CoV-2 virus emerged shortly after Event 201 and this coincidence was noticed by those prone to conspiracy theories. The possibility of a deliberate release of the virus and an 'agenda' set the foundation on which a range of conspiracy theories has been built. Then vaccines for Covid-19 were brought to market in a record time and given Emergency Use Authorisation in the United States. But instead of being as safe as all previously approved vaccines the new products led to a rise in adverse events or vaccine injuries, even death. However the authorities in each country have been quick to tell everyone that the data needs to be interpreted by experts and in most instances there is no causal link. When government actions (mandating vaccinations) and media propaganda (vaccines are safe and effective) do not accord with the accumulating data about adverse events - sudden and often serious illness following vaccination, including unexpected deaths - it is reasonable for people to start to question the official narrative and to distrust the government, medical advisors and other experts. The search for villains quickly extended to include the pharmaceutical companies and government agencies like the CDC and FDA and their equivalent in each country. As the saga has progressed it is also reasonable to suggest that there may be an agenda, something more than just profit. Is the agenda actually depopulation?

COVID-19 and Depopulation

The SARS-CoV-2 virus has not been particularly successful in terms of reducing the world's population. That statement may seem callous, but look at the numbers. Using Worldometer data updated on 21 January 2022, there have been 343,270,696 confirmed coronavirus cases and 276,421,237 people have recovered. Only 5,593,457 people have died[2]. On the same day Worldometer estimated the current world population to be at least 7,921,717,000[3]. The numbers on-screen keep rising. Those are big numbers, but the recorded Covid-19 deaths amount to just 0.0706 percent of the world's population. The virus itself is not likely to make a significant difference to the world's population, either now or in the future. One reason is that the majority of deaths have occurred in older people, less in persons of reproductive age, and even less among children who have yet to mature and reproduce.

In response to the pandemic, governments have implemented controls such as lockdowns, social distancing, wearing of masks, etc., by which they aimed to avert a greater catastrophe and minimise the death toll. Those actions are not consistent with a government intending to reduce their own population.

SARS-CoV-2 as a Bioweapon and Depopulation

If SARS-CoV-2 was deliberately created in a lab, if it is evidence of some 'gain of function' activity, and if it escaped accidentally or if it was deliberately spread, it is not particularly effective as an agent of depopulation. Whilst it is true that 99 out of 100 people are highly likely to survive infection, so far the virus has only infected less than 350 million people. Think back on history - if your grand-parents or great grand-parents had died during the Spanish 'Flu (H1N1) pandemic in 1918-1920 you wouldn't be here. Over 50 million people died, which is high considering the world population at that time, but not everyone was infected. And that is what is happening with COVID-19 now. Even if it is spreading in the community not everyone is affected. With Omicron several people in a household may develop symptoms and others in the same household are unaffected, or infected but 'asymptomatic'. If every person on earth contracted Covid-19 and if one percent of the entire world died that would be 792,171,700 deaths or approximately 150 times the number of deaths to date. It is still possible but unlikely if strains like Omicron are less deadly while being more infectious. The Georgia Guidestones recommend we "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature." To achieve that, our current world population would need to be reduced by a factor of 15. Imagine 75 people in a row; 70 die leaving only 5 standing; that's the scale in depopulation conspiracy theories. Instead, the death rate from Covid-19 is 1 in a 100 and so far only 4% of all the people on earth have been confirmed as 'cases' in two years. The pandemic will end, or Covid-19 will become endemic and pose no threat, before the entire population has been affected. So, as a bioweapon, SARS-CoV-2 has not been successful as an agent of depopulation.

COVID-19 Vaccines and Depopulation

Apparently the vaccines have saved lives. Without them more people would have died. So by mandating vaccinations our governments have also aimed to save lives and minimise the Covid-19 death toll. Again, those actions are not consistent with a government intending to reduce their own population.

In each country where the Covid-19 vaccines have been administered there have been numerous adverse reactions and some deaths. Government agencies responsible for monitoring the data and ensuring that the vaccines are safe have generally dismissed the reports as coincidences. Of those which have been investigated, such as deaths, these agencies have, in the vast majority of instances, found no causal link to the vaccination. Consequently, the belief that vaccines are safe and effective has been maintained. However, even if that mantra is misinformation, the number of vaccine-related deaths is relatively low. To qualify that, it is extraordinarily high for any vaccine, would normally justify a review and further administration would stop, but as evidence for a depopulation agenda it is not convincing. It is estimated that adverse events following immunisation are under-reported by a factor of 40; persons who are deceased are not able to ensure their own demise was reported. So if you get current data from VAERS and related sources and multiply all the deaths by 40, the result will still be significantly less than the estimated five million deaths from the virus itself.

But what if the vaccines have long-term effects? Could the vaccines be the agents for depopulation to occur in the future? This is a very reasonable question and anyone suggesting that some form of apocalyptic mass die-off will occur can rightly point to the lack of long-term safety studies. All of the Covid-19 vaccines were approved, the type of approval being different in each country or region like the EU, with absolutely no long-term data. And new technology such as mRNA has never so widely been used before. So what if there is an unforeseen (or deliberate) long-term consequence affecting, say, fertility? What if people who have had two doses of an mRNA vaccine to protect themselves from Covid-19, and subsequently had boosters as required by government mandates or employment conditions, and their immune system was adversely affected so they develop cancers and heart diseases and neurological disorders and anything else you would like to add to the list? Even if there is a very low probability of these outcomes, when you multiply it by the thousands of millions of people who have been vaccinated world-wide in such a short time there is a real possibility of a very bad outcome in the long-term. Humanity has never previously taken that level of risk on that scale. Not ever.

Referring to the extract from Paul Ehrlich' book The Population Bomb wouldn't a vaccine-induced reduction in fertility be a birth rate solution? And wouldn't premature deaths of an adult population as a consequence of vaccine-induced suppression of immune systems be a death rate solution? If either or both of these scenarios are real, would our governments, medical officers, politicians and all those who control the narratives of Covidism - vaccines are safe and effective, etc., be complicit? Wouldn't this be a crime against humanity? If so, what is the evidence and where is the proof? The answers will be revealed by expert investigators working towards Nuremburg 2. See that article for background and more information.

Is it Global?

A lot of the de-population conspiracy material originates in the United States. The death rate there from Covid-19 has been higher than other countries and the data on adverse events following immunisation collected in VAERS is also alarming. The vaccines approved for emergency use included two based on mRNA technology which have been aggressively marketed and which could be blamed for many tragic vaccine injuries. But that is an American perspective.

If there is a de-population agenda why would it be limited to the United States, Canada, Australia, and all the other countries where mRNA vaccines have been administered? What of Russia and China which developed their own vaccines? What is the point of de-populating your own country and your allies but letting Russia and China remain unaffected? And what about the other vaccines not based on mRNA, like Astrazeneca, which have been marketed in India and other countries? The de-population potential of these vaccines is lower than the mRNA ones.

If global de-population was the agenda then what may be occurring in the US should be observable across all countries, but it isn't. So it is not happening globally, yet. What is claimed, in response to that perspective is that the pharmacy companies are trialling some form of toxin to determine the most effective dose to kill people in the future. This claim is based on a correlation between vaccine injury reports and the batch numbers. Some batches have higher rates of adverse events like disability or death. But again, how could that toxin be rolled out globally while there are vaccines in Russia and China which are not controlled by those same companies?

Whichever way you look at it, the possibility of a de-population agenda seems plausible because it is consistent with a perception of globalist elites' previous statements, scenarios or actions, but at present is impracticable when looked at globally.

COVID-19 Vaccines and the 5G Switch

Another variant on the depopulation theory is that something in the vaccines will be activated by 5G. Graphene or graphene oxide is the likely component. However, none of the pharmacy companies have included graphene, or any allotrope of carbon by any other name or formula, as a listed ingredient. Consequently fact checkers dismiss the 'vaccines contain graphene' argument. Further, the fact checkers rely on official government reassurances that 5G is completely safe. In a parallel to Covidism mantras, not only is 5G safe but if there is any risk, the benefits outweigh the risks. So semi-officially, the vaccines do not include graphene and if they did it would be irrelevant whether 5G is switched on or not because 5G is known to be safe.

A couple of labs have been brave enough to publish an analysis of vaccines and have confirmed the presence of graphene. Similarly, a number of researchers have been brave enough to publish photographs of contaminants in the vaccines and in some instances those objects appeared to be moving, have some form of intelligence, and can be seen in video. So some limited evidence exists that the vaccines, or some batches of vaccine, do contain something which ought not be there.

Can a structure created out of graphene act as an antenna to receive 5G signals? Why not. It's perfectly feasible. Water molecules are excited by the radiation in a microwave oven because the molecular structure resembles a dipole, which is a form of radio antenna, and the excited molecules release the energy as heat so your food heats up or cooks. It's just a matter of matching the radio frequency and the antenna dimensions. Could a graphene structure actually do something? The answer is simple too. There are now micro-machines (nano-machines are being developed) and these tiny objects can be programmed with instructions and perform a task. If the 5G radiation provided the energy required the micro or nano-machine could be activated to do whatever it was designed to do. Is this actually happening? Some conspiracy theorists believe so but unless they have the facilities of a lab and vaccine samples and expensive equipment it would be hard to prove. Philosophically one cannot disprove a negative, so it is impossible to prove that it cannot be done or is not being done. Likewise, if it is possible then it could be planned for the future. But mRNA contains instructions so that too could be programmed for harm not for good. So on those grounds the vaccines are a risk and you need to trust the manufacturers and the government agencies which are supposed to ensure they are safe.

Paranoia about 5G existed prior to the pandemic. It was noted that 5G had been rolled out in Wuhan, China which is where SARS-CoV-2 emerged. But China had 5G in other areas too. Some of the US cities where there were outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 during 2020 also had 5G. And when Sydney, Australia had a significant outbreak in 2021 I used a 5G coverage map as an overlay over the areas which had been locked down due to case numbers. 5G networks are rolled out in areas of high population and high usage by a mobile population. Covid-19 can also spread rapidly through an area of high population and a mobile population. If there is any correlation at all it could be between population and case numbers, not 5G. And remember - correlation is not causation. 5G does not cause Covid-19. SARS-CoV-2 causes Covid-19.

The above section is inconclusive. Sorry about that - we need more data. Particularly about graphene. Look for current information about graphene and its' uses. Graphene and nanoparticles are becoming normalised, by which I mean you can see various products now advertised as containing nanoparticles or graphene or both. That doesn't mean they are safe; it means that with familiarity we won't question their safety.


A die-hard conspiracy theorist will always find some way in which the Covid-19 pandemic could develop into a global depopulation apocalypse, even indirectly. Depopulation is a matter of scale. All of the deaths caused by Covid-19 and all of the deaths caused by or related to the vaccines are premature and represent a significant number of life-years lost. At this stage that is not apocalytic, but if any of it was planned and caused to occur then it would be a criminal on a scale of crimes against humanity. Although this pandemic could indeed be a plandemic, I just cannot see depopulation down to a target of 500 million happening soon.

However, depopulation is not a conspiracy theory if it is true. It would be an actual conspiracy - by people involved with gain-of-function research, pharmaceutical companies, vaccine protagonists like the Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and it's members, and anyone else that the lawyers planning some form of Nuremburg 2 trial will identify as complicit.

I sincerely hope that people who accepted vaccines as a way out of the pandemic, or who were coerced into taking them, are not headed for a future disaster.

Maybe next time...

January 2022


  1. Ehrlich, Dr Paul R., (1968) The Population Bomb Digitised by the Internet Archive in 2010
  2. Worldometer COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Retrieved 21 January 2022.
  3. Worldometer Current World Population Retrieved 21 January 2022.