About/The Journal

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The Journal is a set of articles which follow a thread based on thoughts or reading.

Journalling can become a practised habit and is said to be quite therapeutic. While a diary is generally a record of activities, a journal is more often a record of thoughts, responses to situations, developing ideas, or progress towards an understanding of a topic of research.

In the context of this website, the Journal is actually the starting point. Ideas for this site have been developing over a long time but the question was - how to start? Building a new website takes a lot of time and research. I couldn't just write a lot of articles and publish them because the result wouldn't be cohesive. And it still required a starting point, article zero!

So, the current plan is to journal my way through themes of interest - with comments about the books I am reading - that are relevant to the overall purpose of this website. More information about each book will be added in a Library section. And the Journal topic or a book may lead to a separate Article in the main section of this website.

In summary, Journalling is the discipline which focusses thoughts along a theme, supported by books and other reference sources, which then provides content for the main articles. Over time the website will grow in scale, a breadth of topics supported by a depth of research.